
about me!!

hi! i'm ethan, a 14 year old scene kid from the US! my pronouns are he/they, im ace and gay :] on this site is just whatever my brain spills out onto the page lol :p if you would like to hear more about my current life and the site updates, click here! you can find me on Spacehey at xXXethan_errorXXx and xxnyancatizscenexx on Tumblr!

things i like!!

i really love music, playing xbox, tech (yes, i'm a nerd xD), my dogs, scene/emo culture, kandi, html and css, and art! if you want to know about my music taste, you can click here! :]

youtubers i watch!!

Dan and Phil | Markiplier | CrankGamePlays | Michael MJD | DankPods | Game Grumps | Linus Tech Tips | Good Mythical Morning | EmKay